Monday, September 24, 2012

This flowers force in stirring love

“Sit with your back to the sun,” he said.  “You strive to be brighter.  Mirrors never have great ideas.”
Night and silence. Fondness grows in the darkness of memories.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


I am both He and She within the one body. 
I am both under and over within the same skin. 
I am both elated and wretched within the same bones. 
Both in here and in there, I stand as one. 
Living the same dream. 
Fighting the same battle. 
I am both yours and mine within the same bed.
Beneath the same covers.
Buried beneath the same fears
And uplifted by them.
Play that same song
When my bones are picked dry.
Rest me within the embrace of a combustible star
and beneath the shadow of your mountain.

Monday, September 17, 2012


We had every intention to get ourselves to the next to final day of the Biennale at Cockatoo Island on Saturday, but the lines for the free ferry were nauseatingly long, and the parking meter was sickeningly short.  Instead, we made light of our day, and absorbed ourselves in what other delights the Biennale had to offer within the confines of the City.
And bless my parents for taking us to Via Napoli on Sunday as a celebratory birthday dinner for Dom and I.  With pizza that was equally as delicious as Lucio's and freshly made cake by Emily, it truly was the best way to end a great weekend.



Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Special Father's Days

Two weeks ago, we celebrated a very special Father's Day.  After a short-lived yet fearfully anxious few days, I got back my father in one piece from the hospital.  I always have these morbid thoughts, of how I would feel should my parents or brother pass away suddenly, and even though it's never been a reality the sensation that it conjurs is enough to bring tears to my eyes.  This time though, it was almost a reality, and yet I had to summon every ounce of strength and positivity from within my skin and believe that everything was going to be ok despite not truly knowing what was going on.
Thankfully, my father is back home, and in good health, and I couldn't have been happier to spend the day with my wonderful family, and appreciating every moment of love that they inject into my life.
My parents are still very much the lovebirds that they were back in Iran.  Their adoration of one another glows, and is infectious.